10 Habits of Famous Entrepreneurs

                             “There’s nothing you can’t do if you get the habits right.”

                                           Charles Duhigg (The Power of Habits)

Successful entrepreneurs don’t do extraordinary things. They follow healthy habits which are effective for creativity, innovation, and helps them to remain consistent in chasing their dreams. Prominent entrepreneurs focus on small improvements, making consistent trivial habits that bring change in their lives. 

Well-known entrepreneurs talk about a variety of daily habits, that make them successful including reading, proper sleep, time management, meditation, uplifting music, powerful networking, highly focused time, exercise, plan, keep a notepad, and prioritize their tasks. Which can be easily adopted by anyone passionate about building their own business. High-profile investors focus on their personal development as well habits that fuel their success. Also, they are open to change the habits that they believe are not beneficial for them. Jeff Bezos, Amazon CEO believes consistency is required for everything, and habits that are consistent play a greater role in success, meanwhile flexibility and openness to change is needed at the same time. He says,

‘’ You need to be stubborn on your vision, otherwise, it will be too easy to give up but you need to be very flexible on the details because as you go along pursuing your vision, you find that some of your perceptions were wrong and you need to change them.’’

The entrepreneur starts his daily routine mindfully, reading a newspaper with a cup of coffee. He has his breakfast with his family. His slow morning’s beginning allows him to relax and take care of important phone calls and emails. Other entrepreneurs including Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are known as best readers. They read more books than an average person. Bill gates also recommended the five best booksOpens in a new tab. he had read recently. The habit of socializing and creating a strong useful network is another main factor in the success of entrepreneurs. Research suggests that entrepreneurs have on average twice online network connections in comparison with non-entrepreneurs. An MIT studyOpens in a new tab. suggests that university-educated entrepreneurs who have large, active networks are more successful as they start their companies. Apart from these, there are simple daily routine habits that make them incredible entrepreneurs.

We all are clouded by noises, unable to figure out healthy habits, but we have compiled the best healthy habits of famous entrepreneurs that will inspire you in your journey. Adopt them and bring change in your lives. 

Here are the best 10 habits of famous Entrepreneurs

The best way to build new habits is to analyze the existing habits and patterns in your daily routine then try to create healthy and strong ones. Divide it into a process, and make it a daily consistent exercise and stick to it.

Elimination of daily routine Choices

 Though it seems like a simple task to do, it takes a lot of energy, time, and courage to let go of things we have adopted early in our lives. You will be amazed to hear that some of the greatest entrepreneurs have eliminated simple things from their lives to make decision easier. For example, Mark Zuckerberg, who has almost 20 identical t-shirts in his closest, and this lack of choice helps him avoiding decision fatigue, wasting time on deciding what to wear.

Also, Steve Jobs was known for wearing black turtleneck Levi’s 501 classic fit jeans, and sneakers. It was his signature style of simplicity. It is often noticed that millionaires wear routinely the same outfit.

It is usually described that the way choices become harder and harder as the day goes on, it gets difficult to make decisions. Not only clothes, but they live very simple life themselves.

Remind yourself of your dream Early Morning

In a speech during the Graduation Ceremony, Steve Jobs reminds everyone that always ask yourself about your goals in the morning. He said, ‘’ every morning he looks at the mirror and asks himself. If today was the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am doing today?’’ If your answer is ‘’No’’ multiples times in a row, you must change your life and adopt habits that help you grow and achieve your goals.

According to different sources, Richard Branson gets up at 5.45 am, LinkedIn Jeff Weiner wakes up at 5.30 am, Oprah Winfrey gets up at 6 am, Elon Musk wakes up at 7 am, and Apple Tim Cook gets up at 3.45 am and so on. 

Have you ever wondered why these entrepreneurs are active, energetic, and full of compassion? Early to bed, early to rise is one of the oldest saying for it brings peace and harmony to the mind. Make a simple motto for yourself, ‘’ win the morning, win the day’’.

Reading habit

Billionaire investor Mark Cuban reads three hours a day, a practice he has maintained for a long time.  He says,

‘’ of course, my wife hates that I read more than 3 hours almost every day, but it gives me a level of comfort and confidence in my businesses. ‘’

Besides, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and many other entrepreneurs read books every day. When someone asked Elon Musk how he learned to build rockets, he said, I read books. Also, they are very selective about what they read. They don’t go around reading everything. In fact, there is a prominent difference between what successful entrepreneurs read and what not-so-wealthy people read. 

According to Tom Corley, the author of Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals, rich people read for self-improvement, education, and success. Meanwhile, poor people read primarily for entertainment.

Reading helps in:

  • Building good memory
  • Strategic decision making
  • Verbal Intelligence
  • Improve vision and language
  • Reduce stress and improve communication skills

As an entrepreneur, you must read for inspiration, business strategies, tips, and techniques, and purely for growth and self-education.

Meditation – mindfulness

Jeff WeinerLinkedIn CEO practices meditation every day, and when asked the reason, he simply said, ‘’ Just to think.’’  Meditation helps him thinking clearly, practice compassion and positivity which influence his productivity.

Similarly, Arianna Huffington, Padmasree Warrior, Ray Dalio, Bob Stiller, Bob Shapiro, Oprah Winfrey, and many other entrepreneurs practice meditation. Oprah believes that mediation is a form of ‘’ getting closer to God’’.

Meditation is one of the ancient practices and is useful for stress relief and many other medical conditions. Emotional benefits include;

  • Gaining new prospective on stressful situations
  • Build skills to manage triggering emotions
  • Increase self-awareness and reduce negative emotions
  • Increase tolerance and patience

Meanwhile, meditation has different types including Mantra Meditation, Mindfulness, guided meditation, Qi, Transcendental, Tai Chai, and Yoga. The most commonly used meditation type is yoga which is practiced by most entrepreneurs.

An article published on ‘How to Meditate’ provides a comprehensive guideline for beginners to practice meditation. The article says,

‘’ mediation only looks simple. It can be surprisingly difficult- and that doesn’t mean you’re failing.’’

 Hence, learning the basics of mediation can be a good start to reduce your stress, increase calmness and promote healthy growth. It’s quick and pretty straightforward. Therefore, Entrepreneurs mostly prefer to mediate every single day either in the morning or evening.

Listening to uplifting Music

Michelle Devani, the founder of Lovedevani starts his day with a positive tune in the morning. He says,

‘’ as a founder who has a lot of responsibilities and obligations, I always try to make the most of every workday. And what helps me do so are many daily rituals, especially my early morning routine. Starting my morning with uplifting music helps boost my mood, which helps me keep a positive outlook through the day.’’

Everyone has that one favorite song that inspires them and boosts their mood. Now imagine, starting your day with your favorite song. It would be incredible if you give it a try, and see if it boost your mood. Research shows that listening to music can also relieve stress and control our bodies. Like, many entrepreneurs you can make it a habit to listen to music that energizes your mood.

Morning Exercise

two people doing sit ups

Not everyone likes to mediate, some love to do exercises early in the morning. Most entrepreneurs go for running early morning. The Founder and CEO of Artitudes design Andrea Heuston exercise every morning. This will not only help her physically but also keep her mind active. She says,

The very first thing I do in the morning is working out — usually, that means taking a walk outside or on a treadmill, and for at least an hour. That time is sacrosanct, vital for my mental and physical well-being — and my family and team know it. In fact, my executive assistant knows not to book any early morning meetings unless it’s urgent or a client crisis. My walk not only gets me started off on the right foot and energized for the day ahead, but my best ideas also come to me when I walk so it’s a very productive time.”

To feel energized, positive and practice gratitude, make exercise your habit. Go to the gym or if your schedule doesn’t allow you, take a morning walk or do exercise in your house every day. 

Keep a Journal

  Maintaining a daily journal helps them in closely guarding their valuable time all day long. They believe their time is one of the most precious things, and spending time on productive things is more attractive to them. Therefore, keeping journals makes it easier for them to track their habits, decisions, and progress. 

Entrepreneurs write down their goals, brainstorm ideas, and create a to-do list to stay on track. Furthermore, writing helps to deal with emotions caused by stress, since the deals with multiple things at one time.  Co-Founder of Happiness Without, Valentina Lopez attributes her success and productivity to journal keeping. She says,

‘’ Being an entrepreneur has taught me to focus on more of what matters including my personal and business goals, and I learned that social media can be a huge distraction from those. So, Instead of mindlessly scrolling online, I resort to journaling. I spend 15-30 minutes a day writing and listing down everything that’s on my mind-ideas, future goals, bad habits I want to improve, and everything in between.’’

Therefore, start keeping journals and make them a habit that will help you in the long run in life.

Time Management

Successful entrepreneurs effectively manage their time between personal and professional life. It is extremely important to prioritize habits, tasks, and daily work for efficient performance. The CEO of Thimble, Jay Bregman, believes that making simple habits can help you reach your goals even if the world is falling apart. He says,

‘’ Pace yourself. There are 168 hours every week. Use them as smartly as possible. This does not mean doing everything. It means acing the right things, ruthlessly and that’s it.’’

Your daily, weekly, and monthly time management plan has a greater impact on your long-term goals. Therefore, learn time management and prioritizing your tasks.

The make self-Care a habit

For entrepreneurs, time spent in front of a screen is higher in comparison with an average person. Unfortunately, research shows that the more time you spend online, the more likely you get overwhelmed or depressed. The best practice entrepreneurs often do is unplug from their phones and laptops for few hours each day to give themselves some time.

They stay up-to date

Heather Mason, founder of Caspian Agency says, ‘’ I start every morning by reading the trade publications in my industry.’’ You have to stay current with whatever is happening in your sector, and doing this first thing in the morning gets the creative juices flowing for the rest of the day. I then check Twitter, the New York Times, CNN, and The Wall Street Journal to get an idea of what’s happening in the world more generally. It’s important to understand the market forces that affect our sectors and to get a secondary perspective.’’

It is essential for entrepreneurs to stay with the industry trends, and follow daily news to know what’s happening in the market. However, you must be able to control what you consume, and what you ignore for your mental health.

Stick to their Routine

Last, but not least is following their daily routine tasks and what they have planned for themselves. It’s easy to make plans or prioritize tasks but the actual hard work comes in during implementation. Setting daily tasks and repeating them will help your brain to develop a natural flow and improve focus.  Maulik Patel, CEO of Click Matix believes sticking to the habits is the foundation of entrepreneur success. He says,

’ Creating a routine has boosted my productivity more than ever before. Every morning and night I do the same tasks. This helps me keeps consistency. Entrepreneurship is stressful and you’ll find steady routines become your bedrock on which you structure your life.”

Famous and Successful entrepreneurs believe in simplicity, consistency, and flexibility. They follow simple daily routine habits that help them grow both personally and professionally such as reading, waking up early morning, mediation and exercise. You can also take small steps to build daily habits, and remain consistent in them, and success will come to you.

Matthew McFarlane

"I'm an enthusiastic blog writer who loves exploring the world of entrepreneurship. I enjoy breaking down complex business ideas into easy-to-understand articles, helping aspiring and experienced entrepreneurs find their way. My goal is to inspire creativity, share practical advice, and connect with fellow business enthusiasts."

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